So my girl Lisa came over yesterday. We played with the kids and talked about motivating each other. I've always had trouble sticking to some sort of routine, but I'm going to try harder for the greater good. If I can have my kids on a schedule, I can plan out something for myself everyday.
And it's not a hard/super strict/super rigid schedule. I'm just making a list of about 5 or 6 things I have to do everyday, including writing on this here blog. Even if I come to this site and just write 3 or 4 words, I'm going to blog everyday. Perhaps I should download the app to my phone, in case I'm out of the house all day and I don't have the computer with me. That's an idea.
Also included in my schedule is going for a walk everyday. Sometimes, just sitting in the house playing with the kids, or even just taking them to the playground, is not good for me. I mean, it's totally fun playing with my kids, but I should go somewhere by myself everyday just to think. Just to get away for the noise and remember I'm also 'Angie', not just 'mom'! lol
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