Saturday, June 30, 2012


So I have a little list of things I need to do for pre-production on "Dead Oliver", my short dramatic film that I plan to film this summer, and then take to some film festivals. The first thing I want to do is go take pictures of the beach we're going to film at, then find a hotel and book a room for 3 days. I also need to film a short video for the Indiegogo website, talking about what the film is about and why we need $5000 to make it (Mostly lighting and editing equipment).

Other than that, things are going swimmingly. My aunt has offered to come out here and watch the kids while me and hubby film (he's the cameraman/DP/cinematographer, whatever you want to call him). He's also going to score the film, and we're going to write an original song for it. It's going to be the song that Oliver sings to Annabelle. He's going to sing to her in the film ACapella, but it's supposed to be his hit song, so we're starting on that.

Hmmm...what else? Any questions? Remember, if you donate to the film, you get producer credit on IMDB! If you don't have a IMDB page, you'll have one created for you, with credit saying you helped produce a film! Yes, that's really how it works! If you help fund an indie film, such as mine, you'll be listed as a producer on IMDB, which will really help someone who has no page but wants one, or an actor wanting more credits or even someone who is already a producer, wanting more credits. Go to and see how we're doing, donate, or just get more info on the film. And tell your friends!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Searching for Oliver

I'm really trying hard to fund this film, sending out tweets, e-mails, Facebook posts, etc. I'm spamming celebs to RT my tweet about the film! I wonder if that's how other producers make films?

I've been too proud to straight-up beg for money. I guess I'll get over that, I mean, a lot of indie filmmakers got their starts begging family and friends for money. I'm also thinking of extending "Dead Oliver" and making it longer. It was originally supposed to be 30 minutes, but I'm starting to feel like there's more story there that can be explored, like how Annabelle and Oliver met and what her life was like before that moment of meeting this famous musician.

Also, I think myself, my director, Lisa Shows and my hubby, who's the cinematographer, are going to make little snippets, a behind-the-scenes look into us making the film and begging for donations! Lol. I'll put it on Youtube as a short webseries, like "The Making of Dead Oliver and How Not to Lose Your Mind Doing So"! Great title, right?! I probably won't go specifically with that, but something similar!

Also, I'm still looking for a young actor to play Oliver!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Dead Oliver"...what it's all about

Okay, so I'm working on "Dead Oliver" a short film I wrote and will star, Bry is going to film and my friend Lisa is going to direct. We are currently trying to raise funds to make it, just $5000. It's mostly going to film in a hotel room and then on the beach, I'm think Venice Beach.

We start filming in September, so I really need to find someone to play Oliver.

Now let me tell you what inspired the film.

I had a dream about Justin Bieber a few weeks back. I know, weird. I mean, I wasn't exactly a Justin Bieber fan. I thought he was cool, and I loved the song "Somebody to Love" because my cousin Kecia told me about ti and loved it. So I guess the dream was because I keep hearing about him in the news, since his new album was coming out.

So in the dream, I'm in a hotel room, surrounded by his people, you know, his manager Scooter Braun, etc., and he's upset and he's asking me for advice. Why in the world he would ask me for advice, I don't know. But in the dream, I was his friend and I was being helpful. So at some point, his people weren't there, and he was talking about getting away for a while, just taking a vacation and not letting anybody know where was. So then I told him "If you disappear without telling anybody where you are, they'll think you're dead".

I then wrote "Dead Oliver", about an older chick who meets a rock star, not necessarily being a fan, but helping him out and helping him get away for a few days, but then people don't know where he is, so they think he's dead, hence "Dead Oliver".

We're accepting donations towards funding "Dead Oliver", which we're going to take to several film fests end of this year and next year, and if you donate $25 or more, you get producer credit on IMDB! In two days, we've already gotten $50 towards our $5000 goal!

I'll be shooting pics from where we're going to film soon, plus a video by me, explaining the film. Coming soon!

In the meantime, support my indie film! Go to!

And don't forget to follow me on Twitter for all the latest updates, or e-mail me for more info!

By the way, Justin Bieber's new album is dope. "As Long As You Love Me" is amazing. I'm totally serious. It's so good. And I mostly listen to rock music, and I love this album. #Belieberforreal

Friday, June 22, 2012

Scene from the "Dead Oliver" script

Thanks, by the way.
You already said that.
I hope people don’t think you’re my kidnapper.
People don’t know who I am.
That’s why I asked you to rent the car.
Is there a plan, here, Oliver? Is there? Because sooner or later...
I know.
We’re not that far from L.A. Someone could recognize you.
Yeah. I’m not running away.
You already did.
I’m not gonna stay gone for long. Look, can we just hang out, just talk?

He gets up from the floor and walks over to the bed, sitting near where she’s standing.

Okay. But there has to be a plan. You can’t hide forever.
Okay. But I’m glad you’re hiding with me.
I’m not hiding. I have nothing to hide from.
Then why did you agree to rent the car, drive me up the coast?
An opportunity to run away with a rock star sounded like fun!
You didn’t even know who I was!
He chuckles.
You told me you were a rock star...
You believed me?!
I believed your entourage. And your fans.
What were you doing at that hotel anyway?

I was staying there. I’m in town for a few days.
You’re not from L.A.?
I live in Chicago. I’m from there. This was my first time in L.A.
Wow. What a story to go home with.
ANNABELLE plane leaves for Chicago in 3 days.
How long are we hiding here?

She comes and sits on the bed with him.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Dead Oliver" me make my film!

"Dead Oliver"
A short film by Angelina Grace

"For 4 days, the world thought Oliver was dead. We watched it from our hotel room. Where we stayed. Where he hid. Where I hid with him." - Annabelle

The story of a young woman who meets a rock star, not knowing who he is, then agreeing to drive him up the coast of California so he can get away.

I'm looking for an actor to play Oliver, who's between the ages of 18-25 and can sing!

Donate to the cause! I'll accept any amount, via Paypal, and you'll receive an IMDB page as a producer on the film, your name in the end credits, and a copy of the DVD when the film is made!!! You have nothing to lose!

It's a 30-minute comedy/drama, set in Los Angeles, shot in HD.

Donate via PayPal!

Adventures in Lala Land

Here are just a few videos from the past few weeks of my life in L.A., including the twins eating cupcakes on their 3rd birthday!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Stressful Week

Laila Raine

Laila, today at Pinkberry. She loves frozen yogurt!

A few days after she hurt her teeth. She seemed just fine. Thank God.

I've had a stressful week, with Laila getting hurt and 2 straight weeks of family being here, now I don't know how to be on my own again. Lol.
I mean, I haven't been alone with my own kids for 2 weeks! Bry even had a decent amount of days off with my family being in town. I'm used to having a house full of people!
And now I'm bored.
On the plus, Bry and I are working on a graphic novel. It doesn't have a title yet, but I already wrote out an entire storyline. Bry is supposed to be drawing the characters. He's an amazing artist.

And my teeth hurt. I was leaning over to kiss Laila on her forehead while she was laying in her bed and she moved, smacking me in the front teeth with her head. Ouch indeed! That shit hurt!!!

On another plus, I got the twins completely off the pacifiers! Yes, I know, they're 3, they should've been off of them a long time ago. It took Laila falling on her mouth, hurting her two front teeth to the point where they were pushed up into her gums and bleeding, then taking her to the dentist and the dentist telling us that she had an "Open bite" which was probably caused by the pacifier. I went home and threw all of those fuckers in the garbage. No turning back! I've tried to break them off of them before and I wussied out by giving it back to them. That's why this time I threw them in the garbage. When they cried for them at bedtime, I told them that they were all gone, and I hugged and kissed them. Thank God my aunt was still here because during the day she kept them occupied so they weren't asking for them as much.

Now, a week later, Laila's mouth is healing and she's no longer complaining of pain. It was terrible when it first happened. Blood, crying (both her and me), then a trip to the ER, then right to the dentist after we left the hospital. She was giggling and acting silly an hour or two after it happened, but the dentist said her teeth might 'right' themselves over time. I'll pray on that. Poor Lailee...

And a whole week without pacifiers. And they're not asking for them anymore. And they go right to sleep at bedtime.

Thank God!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dreamin' of Bieber...but why?

I had a dream last night. It was weird. Justin Bieber was there. That's why it was weird. I don't crush on Justin Bieber. I'm not that familiar with his music, other than "Baby", "Boyfriend" and "Somebody to Love". I don't own any albums. I don't have kids old enough to be crazy about him. It's just weird. Maybe he got into my mind because of a news story? I mean, he does live semi nearby...or maybe because I met Stalker Sarah last week and she's taken 50 billion pictures with him. Hell, I was more interested in the fact that she's met Josh Hutcherson. Either way, strange dream.

And it wasn't anything romantic. I mean, I ran into him somewhere and then we just hung out, talking. We didn't kiss. Yeah, he's 18, it's legal, but still. In the dream, we were just hanging out and talking and I thought "What a cool guy". But in the dream, he talked about his breakup with Selena Gomez. They haven't broken up, right? I wouldn't have half cared before now, but they haven't, have they?

I mean, I don't typically listen to his music, but I don't have anything against him.

So why am I dreaming about Justin Bieber? Lol.

And then I came out up with a film idea based around the dream. I'm working on. More on the way!

Okay, he's kinda cute. I mean, I get it! Lol

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Touristy and Weight-lossy things

I've had an interesting week.

My mom and aunts came to visit from Chicago. We spent a lot of time just driving around and showing them the touristy places around L.A.

Also, I've been jogging! I'm still trying to drop some weight, and none of my clothes fit...everything is hanging off of me. Excuse to shop! It's really cool. I'm finally losing the baby weight...from 3 years ago! But keep in mind, I had twins! I had 3 pregnancies back to back...first Ani in 2006, then I got pregnant and had a miscarriage in 2008, then got pregnant with the twins right after. So the weight piled on, and now I'm really working harder to lose it. I'm thinner right now than I've been in a long time.

Well, we're off to show my Auntie Martha the Hollywood sign. She's never seen it before.

Did I mention I met Stalker Sarah at Chateau Marmont? Right before Lindsay Lohan drove by! lol

Later gators.

Me and my mom

At Chateau Marmont with Stalker Sarah!

The twinsies on their 3rd birthday on June 4th!
