Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Dead Oliver"...what it's all about

Okay, so I'm working on "Dead Oliver" a short film I wrote and will star, Bry is going to film and my friend Lisa is going to direct. We are currently trying to raise funds to make it, just $5000. It's mostly going to film in a hotel room and then on the beach, I'm think Venice Beach.

We start filming in September, so I really need to find someone to play Oliver.

Now let me tell you what inspired the film.

I had a dream about Justin Bieber a few weeks back. I know, weird. I mean, I wasn't exactly a Justin Bieber fan. I thought he was cool, and I loved the song "Somebody to Love" because my cousin Kecia told me about ti and loved it. So I guess the dream was because I keep hearing about him in the news, since his new album was coming out.

So in the dream, I'm in a hotel room, surrounded by his people, you know, his manager Scooter Braun, etc., and he's upset and he's asking me for advice. Why in the world he would ask me for advice, I don't know. But in the dream, I was his friend and I was being helpful. So at some point, his people weren't there, and he was talking about getting away for a while, just taking a vacation and not letting anybody know where was. So then I told him "If you disappear without telling anybody where you are, they'll think you're dead".

I then wrote "Dead Oliver", about an older chick who meets a rock star, not necessarily being a fan, but helping him out and helping him get away for a few days, but then people don't know where he is, so they think he's dead, hence "Dead Oliver".

We're accepting donations towards funding "Dead Oliver", which we're going to take to several film fests end of this year and next year, and if you donate $25 or more, you get producer credit on IMDB! In two days, we've already gotten $50 towards our $5000 goal!

I'll be shooting pics from where we're going to film soon, plus a video by me, explaining the film. Coming soon!

In the meantime, support my indie film! Go to!

And don't forget to follow me on Twitter for all the latest updates, or e-mail me for more info!

By the way, Justin Bieber's new album is dope. "As Long As You Love Me" is amazing. I'm totally serious. It's so good. And I mostly listen to rock music, and I love this album. #Belieberforreal

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